
ANGELS Delegates Conclude Final Activity at UTM Kuala Lumpur with Insightful Tour of Sekinchan’s Paddy Ecosystem


The Erasmus+ ANGELS project marked its concluding chapter with an engaging and insightful visit to the paddy fields of Sekinchan, Selangor. As the project coordinator, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) hosted the final activity, which brought together ANGELS delegates from across ASEAN and Europe.

The visit provided the delegates with a comprehensive understanding of the paddy ecosystem that thrives in Sekinchan, one of Malaysia’s key rice-producing regions. Organized with the support and collaboration of the Integrated Agriculture Development Area (IADA) Barat Laut Selangor, the tour allowed participants to gain first-hand insights into the agricultural practices, technologies, and sustainability initiatives that drive the region’s productivity.

Delegates were able to engage with local farmers and IADA representatives, deepening their knowledge of the intricate processes behind rice cultivation and the socio-economic importance of this ecosystem. The enriching experience highlighted the role of sustainable agriculture in fostering food security and empowering rural communities—a theme central to the ANGELS project, which focuses on green entrepreneurship and leadership across ASEAN.

Following this final activity, delegates returned to their respective countries, bringing back not only memories of Malaysian hospitality but also valuable insights to inspire sustainable agricultural practices and cross-border collaboration in green innovation. The visit to Sekinchan stands as a testament to the ANGELS project’s commitment to fostering regional cooperation and knowledge sharing in line with its mission to promote environmental sustainability and leadership.